
10月1日よりRussell Sarwar Kabir先生が教英に着任されました!

101日より、Russell Sarwar Kabir先生が教英スタッフに加わってくださいました。これまでも教英の授業を担当いただいていたのですが、10月からは教英の教員として指導にあたっていただくことになりました。すでに教英のHPでKabir先生を紹介しています。







“Carry the Day: Aiming to Enrich English Language and Culture Education at Hiroshima University with Experiential Approaches” by Russell S. Kabir


To the alumni and prospective students of Hirodai Kyoei, it is my honor to join the faculty of the Program in English Language and Culture Education.


As my biography likely portends, I am a cognitive scientist with a yearning for language learning. However, it is not lost on me that almost everything about my path here is not readily intuitive.

How does one go from the U.S., to Japan, to France, and back? One part Robert Frost, some parts John Keats, three parts William Carlos Williams, and plenty of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman, for my money. Did I mention my love for Spitz, yet? Don’t put me in charge of the canon. I will be the first to add Kusano Masamune to the list.

I am aware that I somewhat resemble an irregular verb in this regard, like the past tense of “cleave”. Clave? Cloven? I am eager to learn your favorite irregular verbs, too (if they could possibly exist). Apparently, mine is cleft as in “cleft in twain.” I am willing to wager that this is the right audience for this task. If not, as previous students might attest, I am big on the wisdom of idiomatic expressions, and enjoy the thrill of cross-cultural simulations as approaches to experiential learning. I will take proverbs or false friends, too, if you catch me in the hallway. Alternatively, you may throw down your glove and challenge me to a spelling duel. As long as it’s not the word lackadaisical, one of the words I missed in my youth. Still salty.

My research grants and projects are focused on everything from foreign language anxiety management programs and negotiation activities to vocabulary learning, study abroad, and social dynamics related to the educational sciences. It is my hope that sharpening our insights and approaches to these areas will bring about the right amount of sessa takuma to improve the state of English education in Japan through you—the next generation of well-rounded teachers—who will carry the day.

At any rate, I am thrilled for the opportunity to continue to contribute to the rich history of the School of Education. It is my hope that I can bring my enthusiasm for evidence-based educational interventions to the fore and consider it my duty to honor the sacred art and franchise that is teaching. Now in my eighth year at our university, and tenth in Japan, I am always on the lookout for the well-being of the student body, too, and will continue doing my best to take this responsibility with great care.


Onwards and upwards!

Russell Sarwar Kabir, Ph.D.
September 30, 2022












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カビール先生ゼミで共同研究として取り組んでいる研究プロジェクトが国際学会での研究発表に採択されました!この度、そのプロジェクトに関わっている 4 年生に、プロジェクトグループを代表して記事を書いてもらいました。     皆さん、こんにちは。教英 4 年の平田歩です。私...