第一部 学会員のみ参加可能 L102教室
09:50-10:20 受付
10:20-10:30 開会式
10:30-11:30 理論志向部門・研究発表
司会:築道 和明(広島大学教授)
山路 理恵(宮崎県立宮崎西高等学校附属中学校教諭)
Stella Anggrainy(広島大学大学院教育学研究科大学院生)
「A Case Study on the Zone of Proximal
Development: Scaffolding Role-Playing in Primary School English Language
Teaching in Japan」
11:30-13:00 昼食
13:00-13:30 学会総会
第二部 一般市民(非会員)も参加可能 K102教室
13:30-15:00 実践志向部門・ワークショップ
15:00-15:10 閉会行事
題 目:経験ある英語教師の教科書使用に影響を与える要因
発表者:山路 理恵(宮崎県立宮崎西高等学校附属中学校教諭)
題 目:A Case Study on the Zone of Proximal
Development: Scaffolding Role-Playing in Primary School English Language
Teaching in Japan
発表者:Stella Anggrainy(広島大学大学院教育学研究科大学院生)
The aim of this ongoing study is to analyze
the scaffolding given to help a Japanese primary student to understand and be
able to answer questions during English conversation. Previous studies show
scaffolding is mostly activated during task activities (Wood et al, 1976;
Walqui, 2006; Bradley & Bradley, 2004) and little is known about
scaffolding methods used during conversation. This study used role-playing
conversation and scaffolding was given in English instead of the mother
language. The participant was a sixth-grade Japanese primary student who was
given a role-playing situation where he met a foreign tourist. The researcher
played the role of a foreign tourist who asked him questions, with facilitative
scaffolding to enable him to understand and to answer the questions. This
activity was repeated for several days, by adding new questions with a higher
difficulty level. The scaffolding was gradually reduced for the questions that
had been mastered. The researcher video-recorded and transcribed the role-playing
conversation, and the occurring scaffolding was coded. A Conversation Analysis
is currently conducted to find the most helpful scaffolding pattern to help
students understand and answer the challenging questions.